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Feb 01, 2024
2 min read

Multi-Step Form

A multi-step form with validations.

In this project, it was created a multi-step form cycle using Vue 3 with Composition API and Script Setup, TypeScript for type safety, and TailwindCSS for styling. The aim is to demonstrate clean architecture, coding practices, and Vue 3 applications.

The multi-step form guides users through sequential steps, ensuring an intuitive experience. It was focused on modularity, reusability, and maintainability in the architecture, adhering to clean code principles throughout.

Vue 3’s Composition API and Script Setup make component logic clear and flexible, while TypeScript enhances type safety. TailwindCSS streamlines styling with its utility-first approach.

In summary, the project showcases a multi-step form with Vue 3, emphasizing clean code, architecture, and modern frontend practices.